Bram Reijnders
Bram Reijnders

Bram Reijnders
Bram Reijnders (1974) captures “urban magic” during his global expeditions. Active on six continents, Reijnders is, in his own words, mostly inhaling the impressions of our times and exhaling these impressions as an aesthetic manifestation in his art. His oeuvre finds its origin in the soul of the artist which, overloaded with today’s information flow, constantly absorbs the noise in search of essence and the spirit of our time.
Bram Reijnders
Bram Reijnders (1974) captures “urban magic” during his global expeditions. Active on six continents, Reijnders is, in his own words, mostly inhaling the impressions of our times and exhaling these impressions as an aesthetic manifestation in his art. His oeuvre finds its origin in the soul of the artist which, overloaded with today’s information flow, constantly absorbs the noise in search of essence and the spirit of our time.

Bram Reijnders
Reijnders faced many obstacles along the road which led to becoming the contemporary artist he is nowadays. As a child, he already dreamt of conquering the world as an artist. After he succeeded as a young successful businessman, he still felt a void inside, a strong primal feeling.
Something was missing in his life. One night during that time, Reijnders had a dream of traveling abroad for an adventure to develop a brand new version of himself. The next morning, he quitted his business career, went to the airport and booked a flight to Rio de Janeiro straight away.
Bram Reijnders
Reijnders faced many obstacles along the road which led to becoming the contemporary artist he is nowadays. As a child, he already dreamt of conquering the world as an artist. After he succeeded as a young successful businessman, he still felt a void inside, a strong primal feeling.
Something was missing in his life. One night during that time, Reijnders had a dream of traveling abroad for an adventure to develop a brand new version of himself. The next morning, he quitted his business career, went to the airport and booked a flight to Rio de Janeiro straight away.

Bram Reijnders
Once he arrived in Brazil, Reijnders came across a piece of art he instantly fell in love with. He reserved the artwork, but when he came back to actually purchase it, the item was already sold to someone else. He was heartbroken and devastated.
The feeling which arose resulted in two days of physical illness. On the spot Reijnders decided to dedicate his life to art. From that moment he was sure art was destined for him and he wanted to devote his life to it. After this revelation, he went to live in the jungle of Brazil.
Bram Reijnders
Once he arrived in Brazil, Reijnders came across a piece of art he instantly fell in love with. He reserved the artwork, but when he came back to actually purchase it, the item was already sold to someone else. He was heartbroken and devastated.
The feeling which arose resulted in two days of physical illness. On the spot Reijnders decided to dedicate his life to art. From that moment he was sure art was destined for him and he wanted to devote his life to it. After this revelation, he went to live in the jungle of Brazil.

Bram Reijnders
He bought all art essentials: canvases, paint and other materials to start painting. He returned to the Netherlands and lived in a trailer park. Reijnders had the opportunity to open a small gallery in the ‘Spiegelgracht’ in Amsterdam.
It turned out to be a difficult start of his career, but all of a sudden he was invited to be a guest in ‘Goedemorgen Nederland’ a national tv show in The Netherlands. After the show aired; all of his paintings were soon sold.
It was a lucky shot, a narrow escape. It was at that moment that Reijnders started to study art and gained artistic freedom. He opened a gallery AbrahamArt and building a portfolio of international artists.
Bram Reijnders
He bought all art essentials: canvases, paint and other materials to start painting. He returned to the Netherlands and lived in a trailer park. Reijnders had the opportunity to open a small gallery in the ‘Spiegelgracht’ in Amsterdam.
It turned out to be a difficult start of his career, but all of a sudden he was invited to be a guest in ‘Goedemorgen Nederland’ a national tv show in The Netherlands. After the show aired; all of his paintings were soon sold.
It was a lucky shot, a narrow escape. It was at that moment that Reijnders started to study art and gained artistic freedom. He opened a gallery AbrahamArt and building a portfolio of international artists.

Bram Reijnders
Reijnders travels as a collector of the ordinary to world cities to photograph “urban magic” while diving into different cultures. As a nomad of art he went to the most dangerous neighborhoods in Rio de Janeiro and captured it.
Once he was caught in the middle of a bullet rain and had to hide underneath cars. The tension and heavy energy in these areas are risky at times, but also provide edge and were very beneficial to his portfolio. According to Reijnders, you have to step out of your comfort zone to really grow and make an impact.
This is what really works for the artist himself. Nowadays Reijnders has exhibited in galleries and art shows in New York, Los Angeles, Singapore, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Berlin and Paris.
Bram Reijnders
Reijnders travels as a collector of the ordinary to world cities to photograph “urban magic” while diving into different cultures. As a nomad of art he went to the most dangerous neighborhoods in Rio de Janeiro and captured it.
Once he was caught in the middle of a bullet rain and had to hide underneath cars. The tension and heavy energy in these areas are risky at times, but also provide edge and were very beneficial to his portfolio. According to Reijnders, you have to step out of your comfort zone to really grow and make an impact.
This is what really works for the artist himself. Nowadays Reijnders has exhibited in galleries and art shows in New York, Los Angeles, Singapore, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Berlin and Paris.

Bram Reijnders
Reijnders’ oeuvre emerges from action: the simple act of ripping posters off walls in different cities during the night, which he later uses as the base for his artwork. He processes these thick layers of curled paper by chopping and burning them.
His work contains a lot of contrast: the ripped pieces of billboards combined with youthful themes and a smooth, lush finish. Reijnders invites us to “undress our adulthood” and rationale to enjoy the beauty that emerges from his images. By decontextualizing these pieces of reality and adding new urban images, pop culture, and mass consumption items in them.
This is how Reijnders sees art as an action more than a narrative. He calls it the magic of the studio: things you can’t predict happen there, it’s just like a laboratory.
Bram Reijnders
Reijnders’ oeuvre emerges from action: the simple act of ripping posters off walls in different cities during the night, which he later uses as the base for his artwork. He processes these thick layers of curled paper by chopping and burning them.
His work contains a lot of contrast: the ripped pieces of billboards combined with youthful themes and a smooth, lush finish. Reijnders invites us to “undress our adulthood” and rationale to enjoy the beauty that emerges from his images. By decontextualizing these pieces of reality and adding new urban images, pop culture, and mass consumption items in them.
This is how Reijnders sees art as an action more than a narrative. He calls it the magic of the studio: things you can’t predict happen there, it’s just like a laboratory.
Bram Reijnders
Reijnders’ work dialogs with contemporary society through our cities, cultural differences, and our icons. This conceptual aspect of his work transcends inspiration which manifests in his images.
With his outspoken photography he creates a “visual language”. The artist is constantly exploring our liquid post-modern society with enthusiasm. Edges that shine and crack are the limits where world-famous characters, childhood reminiscences emerge. Creating a compelling aesthetic result.
Reijnders intimate artistic influences are fed by the intensity of abstract expressionism and the pop dimension of everyday products, news and objects. In his photographic works, the artist provides a glimpse in time when ordinary, lonely places and objects gain an emotional quality.
Bram Reijnders
Reijnders is not just observing. On the contrary, as a force of nature, he wants to be part of the world, understand it in its full complexity and, preferably change it. Therefore his works tell stories. However, they are not meant as propaganda.
In these unfinished stories, the artist leaves all the space for interpretation. In our post “truth world”, questions arise exponentially, nothing is sure anymore. Can we still believe anything? Reijnders’ artworks bring images that intrigue, provoke and try to guide you through a jungle of joy.
He does not intend to preach a new gospel; he enjoys more being a playful bridge between worlds. Showing moments, situations and lives that are revealing, not selling. Bringing together, more than trying to convince. His snapshots of reality are, therefore, never complete without the viewer. Let’s cut the blah, blah! Enjoy the art!