Proud for being selected, and becoming part of the Climate Refugees Lunar Art Collection on the Moon 🌓
In my two artworks that where send to the moon “The faces of climate change” I refer to the Michael Nash documentary.
In the vast expanse of the universe, few human creations have ventured beyond our planet’s atmosphere. One such remarkable feat is the Lunaprise Arts and Humanity Time Capsule, a vessel carrying the story of human civilization expressed through the lens of 222 artists from the last 2000 years. On February 15th at 1:05 am EST, the rocket blasted off from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. It marked America’s first return to the moon in over 50 years. After the long journey, the lunar lander touched down on the lunar surface on Februry 22nd, 2024 bearing digital treasures from master artists in literature, music, and various cultural domains—a testament to humanity’s journey on Earth.
Within this lunar library of human expression lies the critically acclaimed documentary film “Climate Refugees,” created in 2010 by filmmaker Michael P. Nash. Upon the film being the sole inclusion of a documentary into the mission, Michael Nash and SpaceBlue’s Dallas Santana reached out to artists worldwide, inviting less than 25 of them to create their own artwork based on the message and images of the award-winning film. The collaboration of talented artists would create The Climate Refugees Lunar Art Collection, an impact-driven collection to bring awareness to the human face of climate change. The talented global artist would accompany Nash’s film in the time capsule to the moon. One such artist, Bram Reijnders, from the Netherlands, remarked, ”Creating art based on ‘Climate Refugexes’ was an opportunity to amplify the voices of the marginalized and draw attention to the urgent issue of climate-driven displacement.”
